Business Systems Architect

Lakshay Behl


Value judgements are like opinions. Everyone has one. Nobody has the absolute truth. Quantitatively things can be much easier to achieve, or much more difficult. Quantitatively, however, things can be very different to someone’s opinion. Your mission in life, should…
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Forms of Distraction

Lately I have found myself somewhat out of control. Somewhat mesmerized by, and drowning in a sea of distractions. Albeit these are forms of distraction you wouldn't normally refer to as distractions for someone in my position. Although, generally speaking,…
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Journey of A Thousand Miles

I have mentioned before that I'm going to undertake a massive project this year - much bigger than any I have undertaken in the past. A journey far more treacherous than I have ever been tested against. It's already begun,…
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Principles of Warring In The Modern World

War and conflict. It's unavoidable. Different people want different things. Sometimes there is scarcity - real or perceived. Often, the solution people resort to is threatening someone, conflicting, battling or warring. Today we're discussing the principles of warring in the…
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As long as there’s a light

Sometimes, it's inordinately hard to push on. No matter what you do, the world seems to push back. People do not co-ordinate. Whatever you need isn't immediately available You don't have enough time There is an inundating amount of work…
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