Business Systems Architect

Would You Like To Have A

God's Eye View

Of Your Business?

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Get Started For Just $99

With The Ultimate Business Growth Mindmap

  • You Will Gain Clarity
  • Inevitably Increase Cashflow
  • Create A Powerful Reputation
The Ultimate Business Growth Mindmap

With The Ultimate Business Growth Mindmap

You Will Gain Clarity

  • Know Exactly What's Holding You Back
  • "Search & Destroy" The Friction Areas
  • Have A Clear Vision Of The Future
  • Have A Solid Plan of Action

Inevitably Increase Cashflow

  • Find & Plug "Money Leaks" Instantly
  • Find Cashflow Hidden In Your Assets 
  • Discover Six Ways To "Trim Fat" From Your Organization
  • One Trick To Overnight Quadruple Your Cashflow (Works 81% of the times)

Create A Powerful Reputation

  •  Get Clients To Give You Powerful Case Studies
  • Never Chase A Client Again - Let Them Chase You
  • Enhance Long Term Stability & Marketshare

I am offering you the

Ultimate Business Growth Mindmap

Every strategy that has ever been used to grow a company’s market share… in any part of the world, at any time in our history, in every single economy… is right here in this mindmap.

If you have ever wondered about what you can do to grow a company’s profitability, then this is it. Here’s a small sampling of what’s included…

• How to find hidden cashflow in any company within 30 days
• Six ways to trim fat immediately
Plugging the seven most common and hurtful “money leaks” present in virtually all small businesses
• How to get customers to give you powerful case studies… and then how to use those case studies to convert more of your leads into paying clients

Everything you need to grow any business (your own, or if you are in consulting, your clients’) is right here on this map. It’s like the entire world of marketing distilled right into your hands.

If You Are Responsible For Growing A Business Of Any Kind

Whether you are the owner of a small business, or work as a consultant for a company… as long as you are charged with growing one or more companies, you need this blueprint.

If you would like find 12 ways to trim the fat immediately, then they’re right here.

And if you would like to convert more of your leads into clients, then there are 11 different ways of doing that here.

If you’d like to find more leads, there are 9 different sources of leads on the map that you most probably overlooked.

If you’d like to maximize the Lifetime Value of your Clients… then there are eight different ways of doing that.

If you’d like to increase profit margins, there are four extremely simple ways included inside.

And much, much more is included inside.

Let’s Take An Example

Let’s say a business spends $20,000 on advertising each year and generates 10,000 leads right now. And it converts 5% of those leads into paying clients. Who then buy stuff worth $200 per year. The profit margin is 20%. These clients keep coming, on an average, for three years.

So here’s the simple equation to workout profits.

This equation, by the way, is the backbone of every business. It summarizes the important numbers in any business readily.

10,000 leads X 5% conversions = 500 Clients (#oC)
$200 Per Year X 3 Years X 20% Margin = $120 Lifetime Value (LTV)
$20,000 Advertising Budget / 500 Clients = $40 Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)

(LTV - CPA) X #oC = Profit

($120 - $40) X 500 = $40,000 per year

So this business is making a total profit of $40,000

Now… using the mindmap, let’s say you increase the number of leads from 10,000 to 12,500 without changing the advertising budget. It’s easy, as you will see many different ways in the map.

Next, you increase conversions just slightly from 5% to 8%.

Next, you increase the average transaction value from $200 to $300 using one of our instant profit boosters.

Next, you increase the profit margin from 20% to 25%. It’s a tiny increment.

And finally, you increase the relationship length from 3 years to 4 years.

All these increments are marginal, and easily doable. So now, here’s what the numbers look like…

12,500 leads X 8% conversions = 1000 Clients (#oC)
$300 Per Year X 4 Years X 25% Margin = $300 Lifetime Value (LTV)
$20,000 Advertising Budget / 1000 Clients = $20 Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)

(LTV - CPA) X #oC = Profit

($300 - $20) X 1000 = $280,000 per year

So now this business is making a total profit of $280,000. That’s a 7x increase. And it came from simply changing five things marginally.

In marketing, it is said that…

Smallest Hinges Swing The Greatest Doors

And it’s true.

The highest amount of leverage can be found in the following five processes in any business…

1. Lead Generation
2. Lead Conversion
3. Average Transaction Value
4. Average Profit Margin
5. Length of Relationship

Increase each of these by a mere 20%, and you grow the overall profitability of a company by 249%.

But you can do much, MUCH better.

The map has everything that any company has ever used to double, triple or quadruple EACH of the five processes above.

Using this map, even if you don’t have a business right now… you can simply walk into any company, talk to the business owner, and grow their business for them… and get paid for your effort.

This mindmap sells right now on our official website at $199, and hundreds of people have left their reviews and case studies. You can see some of those on this page.

But if you order right now, you will be able to get your hands on it for just $39.

Click here to place your order right now...

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Here’s What the Mindmap Will Do For You

Gives You Clarity & Focus

If you have ever wondered about what you should be doing, or have felt confused about what your next strategic steps ought to be, then this mindmap will show you exactly what you should do next.

Shows You How To Grow Your Business Exponentially

It shows you numerous ways to increase the number of leads, increase the conversion rate, increase the average transaction value, increase the profit margin and maximize the length of the relationship.

In other words, everything you need to maximize the lifetime value of each client, maximize the number of clients you have and optimize the cost per acquisition (advertising amount spent on acquiring one client) is included.

Works Now: Distills Volumes Into Zero-Fluff Strategy Chart

If you read a book, you learn a new strategy or two. If you spend $4000 and visit a business seminar, you’d be lucky if you can find three workable strategies throughout your trip. If you listen to a set of audio tapes, you will be fortunate to have found one strategy that you can use right now.

But the mindmap has every single strategy that has ever been used in the world of capitalism, and so whatever your business needs right now is available imminently.

Here’s What I Want You To Do Next

Click on the button below, and invest a tiny sum of just $39 right now, and get access to the mindmap immediately.

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Once inside, you will get access to the Ultimate Business Growth Mindmap , of course, as well as an unannounced bonus. The unannounced bonus will be shipped to your address, and is something that I use on a very regular basis… and I believe you can benefit from too. It sells right now for $19.95 + Shipping & Handling charges on Amazon as well as other stores.

I will see you inside
Lakshay Behl

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Would You Like To Have A

God's Eye View

Of Your Business?

With The Ultimate Business Growth Mindmap

  • You Will Gain Clarity
  • Inevitably Increase Cashflow
  • Create A Powerful Reputation
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Get Started For Just $99