From the desk of Lakshay Behl
Business Growth Is Simple...
It's like playing a game. Or a sport.
Once you know what you are doing, growing a business becomes fun. The bank balance becomes your scorecard. Sales come in automatically. Clients can't stop singing your praises, and prospects chase you with their wallets in hand. Customer retention is guaranteed. Attrition is low. Employee turnover is lower than Netherlands. Your staff's morale is high.
Bankers like you. They are happy to see you, and they know you on a first name basis. So do the suppliers, the vendors, the creditors and the debtors.
But only when you know what you are doing.
Here's what you observe with most businesses...
Is it any wonder, then, that most companies that have unpredictable sales are on life support... and die out sooner or later?
There only three, and exactly three reasons for business cataclysms.
A company with good systems and good strategy, but bad positioning doesn't have a future. A company with good systems and good positioning but bad strategy won't make it to the future. And a company with good strategy and positioning, but bad systems will crumble under its own success.
You need all three for prosperity. Long term and short term.
-Lakshay Behl
Stable businesses. The idea sounds great. You have a company that works on its own. It doesn't grow, sure, but it doesn't deteriorate either. It's "stable".
Except it does not exist.
Nature Abhors A Vacuum
At any point, either your business is growing. Or it's shrinking. Either your marketshare is expanding, or it's receding. It's just like the muscles in your body. Either they are undergoing hypertrophy, or they are atrophying. But what is never happening is "stability".
The only constant is change.
Here's what it means for you...
If your business's bottomline isn't increasing right now, it's decreasing by default. If your marketshare isn't expanding, it's shrinking automatically. And if your advertising is not making you money, it's LOSING you money.
That's it.
Anybody who tells you otherwise is a liar.
Now, they may lie for a good reason. For instance, a guy who wants to sell you advertising will tell you, "You need to continue spending $10K a year on advertising in XYZ media even though you haven't seen any boost in sales at all. Why? Because most of our advertisers report a boost in sales after a year. That's how long it takes for your prospects to remember your brand."
But their reason is good enough for benefitting them. Not you.
In fact...
My mother had a vivid imagination. She fancied herself a successful stock trader and stock market investor.
Because in 1991 she bought invested $1000 to buy stock in an Indian bank's IPO (Initial Public Offering). She held on to the stock for years. Then in 2005, almost sixteen years later, she sold her stock for over $9,200.
Great, isn't it? That's almost an 16% per year rate of return, annualized.
Well, here's what she didn't know...
The inflation averaged between 8% and 9% on an average in India between the years 1990 and 2005. The prices of goods had soared. And the NIFTY (Indian equivalent of S&P 500) had returned, on an average, 15%. In addition there was also a small dividend that many of the stocks on the index paid... which the bank didn't.
In other words, if she hadn't picked out a particular stock... and if she'd just invested in an S&P 500 hedge fund (known as a BSE NIFTY mutual fund in India)... her returns would have been nearly identical.
Around the same time, a friend's father had started a small business with a tiny $2000 capital. By 2005, he was taking home over $1,000,000 in income. I knew this because my Dad also invested $500 in that business a few months after it's launch... in exchange for a 2.5% stock. He continues to own his stock even today... and enjoys a nice chunk of cash each year in the form of a dividend.
The difference between Mom and Dad? My mother listens to her stock broker while buying stocks. My father does his own careful analysis.
Here's my point...
Most people do it most of the time.
And most people let others deceive them most of the time.
For instance...
If you ask a stockbroker whether a stock he's trying to sell will go up in value, you get a YES inevitably. YES is the only response from him that you should expect, and that you will get. He won't tell you, "Buy this stock. I don't know if it'll go up, or down, or sideways, or do a somersault, or crash and burn... But I am going to make a commission when you buy, and therefore you should buy it."
If you ask an ad rep (or an advertising salesman - no difference) if the advertising will produce sales... you should always expect HIM to say YES. He's got vested interest in selling the advertising to you. He has no reason to lookout for you. If the advertising produces sales, great. He'll be back for more of your dollars. He'll not hesitate for one second before taking all the credit for producing the sales. If not, oh well... there's a sucker born every minute, right?
It's like asking a real estate broker if the house will go up in value. What is the response you are expecting? "I don't have any idea" may be the most honest response he's got, but he ain't giving that one to you.
At this moment, you are wondering who would be foolish enough to fall for those traps. But the truth is that you, me, all of us have been taken for a ride by hucksters throughout our entire lives. And there's just one reason for that...
We were.
We allowed them to seduce us and to deceive us.
We didn't believe the ad rep because he was such a great salesman. We believed him because we WANTED to believe that advertising would produce sales. We HOPED that MOAR ADVERTISING would be an answer to our sales troubles. We needed for it to be a solution. That is the only reason why it worked.
The only reason why we listened to the stock brokers incessant babbling is because we needed to feel reassured about our own investment decision. We were already thinking about investing. We already had some cash set out for that. We wanted to invest. He just gave us a convenient reassurance. If the stock went down, at least we'd be able to blame him instead of ourselves, right?
Well, that's some dark psychology.
Let's put it to your advantage...
Customers want to buy.
They are getting anxious because they have the money. They need someone to take it from them.
Buying is a national sport of ours in this era. Especially in the western world.
Buying feels good.
Buying produces stress-relieving hormones.
Buying is an activity that feels like accomplishment.
Buying is addictive. Highly addictive. Pretty much like crack cocaine.
If they don't buy from you, they will buy from someone else.
All you really have to do is make them a relevant offer. Then position yourself well to take their money. On your own terms.
I, and my entire team will work with you on your business with the following objectives...
If I decide to work with you, by the end of next year, you'll be working way less, and enjoying way more... while making way more money than you are making right now.
Business may not be just about money, but money is the single most important scorecard that shows you exactly where you are at.
This program is for you if all of the following points apply to you...
To get started, download the following application form.
Print it, fill it out, and either scan it and email it to us, or mail to to us at our address.
(c) Copyright 2008-2021 by Lakshay Behl & Westernston|| All Rights Reserved