Business Systems Architect

Dark Psychology

The Imminence of Death

One way or another, I'm facing death. Imminently. We all are. Maybe not in an imminent, impending-doom kinda way. But we all are, inching our way towards the inevitability with each passing moment. This is it. Right now, right here.…
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How to deal with the Fear of Failure

How to deal with the fear of failure. Let's talk about fear of failure today. It's a very real fear. Almost everything you want to achieve in life, that you want to accomplish in life has been done by someone…
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Your demon to exorcise is you yourself

Watch any movie, and there’s the clearly obvious bad guy, or bad guys whom the protagonist fights. there's a demon to exorcise. The bad guy commits atrocities while helpless people look on. The bad guy kills, rapes and plunders while…
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Attention is the prime barometer

Attention is everything. What is unseen counts for nothing. You could have the greatest product or service in the world, but unless your audience knows about it, there will be no sales. No sales equal no revenue equal death of your…
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The Unadulterated Truth About Sales Funnels

If you have spent any amount of time reading what marketers say, and what gurus say, you have probably come across the term "sales funnels". The idea behind this "sales funnels" concept is simple… If someone buys a product or…
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The Fundamental Premise of Selling

You are a seller. The odds are stacked against you. Your buyers have choice. The bigger your market, the more choice your buyers have. They must be drawn in, seduced and sold to. Or else their money is going elsewhere.…
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The Sixteen Commandments of Big Ticket Selling

1. Never Chase the Client Everyone craves the feeling of having found and acquired something that others can’t. That they are worthy of taking advantage of an offer that would not be made attainable to a lesser person. They want…
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Top 2 Reasons why you don’t have enough sales

This is a continuation of a previous post that lists the Reasons #3 and #4 for not having enough sales. Check it out here. Reason # 2: They just aren’t turned on by your offer enough In other words – your offer…
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