Business Systems Architect

Breaking The Barriers

Forms of Distraction

Lately I have found myself somewhat out of control. Somewhat mesmerized by, and drowning in a sea of distractions. Albeit these are forms of distraction you wouldn't normally refer to as distractions for someone in my position. Although, generally speaking,…
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Journey of A Thousand Miles

I have mentioned before that I'm going to undertake a massive project this year - much bigger than any I have undertaken in the past. A journey far more treacherous than I have ever been tested against. It's already begun,…
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As long as there’s a light

Sometimes, it's inordinately hard to push on. No matter what you do, the world seems to push back. People do not co-ordinate. Whatever you need isn't immediately available You don't have enough time There is an inundating amount of work…
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Being Untethered From Mores

One of the traits that not only uniquely defines me, but also separates me (and I suppose a handful of others) from the vast majority is simply the experience of being untethered. Untethered from tradition so as to define my own. Untethered from morality so…
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Attention is the prime barometer

Attention is everything. What is unseen counts for nothing. You could have the greatest product or service in the world, but unless your audience knows about it, there will be no sales. No sales equal no revenue equal death of your…
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Disengage from the futile

Feedback loops. They exist everywhere in nature. Human behaviors are no exception. Just as the wealthiest 1% own 50% of all wealth... Just as the busiest 1% of streets and roads in a locale carry over half the total traffic...…
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Motion creates emotion

There is one antidote for stress. It's the same as the only antidote for low self esteem. And feeling bad. And procrastination. It's called Action. When in doubt, act. When you are not ready, act. When you're not feeling like…
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When My Son Asked Me About Investing, Here Are The Four Things I Taught Him…

My son’s old enough now to have asked me, “Dad, how does this investing thing work?” Investing – What a beautiful thing! What a generous, sacrificial thing to do. If it were up to me, I’d have every single person…
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What To Do When Everyone’s Shouting?

In today's marketplace, all your competitors are fighting hard for your market's attention. All as it should be inside the framework of capitalism. But what do you do when shouting louder just doesn't work? What do you do when longer messages just…
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The Sixteen Commandments of Big Ticket Selling

1. Never Chase the Client Everyone craves the feeling of having found and acquired something that others can’t. That they are worthy of taking advantage of an offer that would not be made attainable to a lesser person. They want…
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