Business Systems Architect

80/20 Principles

Be A DOER of your thing

Be a doer of your thing, not a thinker or planner Be a doer of your thing... whatever it is that you do. Be a regular, and consistent doer. Don't just think about it, dream about it, or plan about…
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New Year Is Still A-Ways || There’s Life in 2017 Still

Happy New Year. Yayyyyyyyyy..... Yes, yes. I know. 2017 is on its way out. Everyone is looking forward to the shopping, the celebrations, the holidays, maybe even the vacation. People are already starting to look forward. To the next year.…
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Attention is the prime barometer

Attention is everything. What is unseen counts for nothing. You could have the greatest product or service in the world, but unless your audience knows about it, there will be no sales. No sales equal no revenue equal death of your…
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Disengage from the futile

Feedback loops. They exist everywhere in nature. Human behaviors are no exception. Just as the wealthiest 1% own 50% of all wealth... Just as the busiest 1% of streets and roads in a locale carry over half the total traffic...…
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Brevity is the soul of wit

If you can say something in one sentence, don't use two. Don't use ten words if three will do. Why? Because it's easy to read. Or hear. And comprehend. But most importantly... ONLY short, and on-the-point messages get remembered.
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Motion creates emotion

There is one antidote for stress. It's the same as the only antidote for low self esteem. And feeling bad. And procrastination. It's called Action. When in doubt, act. When you are not ready, act. When you're not feeling like…
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How To Become A Truly Respectable Man

Think of a truly respectable man. Someone who you can look up to and admire. Someone who everyone listens to. Someone who just commands attention. Someone who women want to be with. That is someone that you want to become. Now...…
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The List

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