Business Systems Architect

If They Don't Believe Your Claim

They Won't Buy

No Matter How Great Your Offer Is


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 Why You Lose Sales

The greatest reason why you lose sales is a lack of trust. Lucrativeness of the offer is a double edged sword.

On one hand, if your offer isn't lucrative enough, and doesn't stand out, you won't attract any attention, and you won't get any sales. On the other hand, if your offer is too lucrative, then it gets hard to make people believe that you are for real.

So, how do you deal with this?

Well, you can't make your offer boring or less lucrative. That'd be the kiss of death for your business. Therefore...

 You Have But One Option

Make your audience believe your highly lucrative offer.


By downloading your copy of the seven different kinds of proof elements right now, you can make your audience believe. Even if you have an unbelievable offer!

You have nothing to lose. So download the "7 Kinds of Proof Elements" right now.



Thank you for this. I have always used as many proof elements as I could think of. But there were a couple in the report that I had never thought of. Those are ingenious!

Especially the one where you create doubt yourself before allaying it. Ingenius!

Roger Philip,
VP of Sales, Alchemy
